Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Final Word on the Pope/Anti-Christ Controversy

I like to get y'all fired up and really question what it is that you believe and I also like the opportunity to plug books that have made an impact on the way I look at things now from a more Reformed Orthodox position. Well the book that I think speaks directly to this current flap is a book by White Horse Inn contributer Dr. Kim Riddlebarger. This work is entitled "Man of Sin" and can be found nearly anywhere fine books are sold.

From the Description:

What should Christians believe about the Antichrist?

Christians have always been fascinated with the Antichrist, but recently the interest seems to have reached an all-time high, with pop culture depictions and speculation leaving many people confused or even frightened. But what does the Bible really say? What have Christians throughout history believed about the Antichrist? Should we fear the Antichrist or such things as the mark of the Beast? Have some end-times prophecies already been fulfilled?

Pastor and professor Kim Riddlebarger carefully untangles the confusion surrounding this biblical doctrine. He considers common beliefs about the Antichrist and end times, closely examines the relevant scriptural passages, and explains how these passages have been interpreted historically by the church.

Pastors, professors, and concerned Christians seeking trustworthy guidance on the doctrine of the Antichrist will appreciate Riddlebarger's sound biblical approach.


James R. Polk said...

I listened to Dr. Riddlebarger recently on this topic. He is very convincing and makes a good case for the amil point of view through a comparison study of various views -- including Historicism. Here's a link:


Scroll down past "Amillenialism 101" to "Eschatology and the Antichrist"

Timothy said...

That sounds like another book I need to add to the collection. So many great books out today, who had time to read them all?